Friday, November 19, 2010

Complainin Bout Obesity

Obesity is one of the largest health problems plaguing the United States today.
Also, obesity is one of the largest growing problems in America, barley lingering below smoking (lung cancer), obesity is responsible for upwards of 400,000 deaths just lingering behind the rate of smokers at 435,000 deaths.
            Simply America’s health choices are disgusting and incredibly unhealthy. As stated in a previous article [Complainin Bout McDonalds] several Americans know how morbidly disgusting this establishment’s food is a [large but not complete] cause in the health issue in America. Have you every seen an obese child somewhere, and simply thought it’s normal? Well look at this young man happy, healthy and a normal, young American what youth is supposed to look like at this age. Children should not have rolls of fat drooping off their body unless they have a condition that makes their body continuously store food. Even then, there is medicine for that situation. Now I will ask you another question why do people allow themselves to become obese? Is it a lack of self-esteem, perhaps depression, or just a general attitude of not caring. Look at our youngest generation, the example they are growing up with is showing them it’s ok to be slobs and to not care about their health. If you lead an unhealthy life style then it’s very likely your children will follow that example through out their lives. So sure, your thought process may be “they will do what I say and not as I do” but most children learn from example.
            Now, I understand this post isn’t strongly thought out but take a look at your life style, [if you have children] analyze what you are teaching them. After doing so take a look at the different steps you are able to take to achieve a better and healthier life style, whether that includes eating less fast food, working out more, watching what foods you eat or shopping at a natural grocers. No matter what you do, think of our next generation and the impact that you can make on them. More so, think of how others see our country do we want to look like a bunch of fat slobs to other countries, what could that result in? [Discussion for another day]
-Thank you for reading and Blessed Be.

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